Ballpit is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Sphere Den'Oid from the planet Den'Odia.
Height - 7 Ft 2 In
Body - Humanoid
Sphere Manipulation - BallPit can control and manipulate the polycarbonate spheres in his body. With these balls he can build platforms, swarm enemies around them, and shoot them out of his hands like a gun.
Limb Extension - BallPit can redirect the spheres in his body to extend his limbs. Therefor stretching his plastic body.
Enhanced Agility - Due to his plastic body, BallPit is extremely athletic and flexible. Able to to twist and contort his own body in many ways and even squeeze into small places.
Flexible Joints - Ballpit is able to bend and flex his body however he desires. He can freely rotate his joints 360°.
Vulnerable Head - BallPit's head can't alter due to it being the only solid piece on his body, leaving him vulnerable if his head is detached.
Lack of Strength - While his balls are strong, BallPit himself doesn't possess any form of strength as he is hollow.
Originally Created by Sketchy C.D