Badaboom is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Bombardian from the planet Shrapnel.
Height - 10 Ft
Body - Humanoid
Explosive Goo Generation - Badaboom can shoot explosive balls from his hands. These balls can either explode upon impact or can detonate remotely from Badaboom’s command.
Self Destruct - He can explode his own limbs and even self-destruct his body with the control of direction of the explosion.
Regeneration - He can regenerate himself after exploding or being ripped apart.
Vacuum Survivability - Badaboom can survive within the vacuum of space.
Energy Depletion - The more bombs he makes and the more he self detonates, the energy he depletes and thus result from exhaustion.
Weak Frame - Badaboom’s body is fairly skinny and soft, granting him little strength and durability.
Magnetic Interference - Electromagnetism can interfere with his powers.
Originally created by Norcinu