AZ-2D is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of the only Alphaterrestrial-Zodiaxian to have ever lived.
Height - 10 Ft 5 In
Body - Genie
Dimensional Piercing - AZ-2D is a multi-dimensional being that can pierce through many dimensions and universes by shifting his body at a different frequency, appearing as a misty form. He can access more than 26 separate dimensions and an infinite amount of alternate Universes.
Spatial Manipulation - He can control his special-dimensional state at will, transforming himself to become 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional, with much more potential. He can also extend this manipulation to anything around him, destabilizing the vibrational dimension of anything he touches.
Extra-dimensional Energy Generation - AZ-2D can draw power from multiple dimensions and focus it into pure energy, allowing him to cause devastating havoc.
Enhanced Intelligence - He possesses complete understanding with physics and dimensional concepts, rivaling even the Galvans in terms of intelligence.
Immortality - His mono-existence essentially means he can live forever without aging.
Telekinesis - He can move multiple objects with his mind, ranging from small objects to large constructs. His telekinesis works down to a molecular level, allowing him to rearrange the atoms of any object to his will.
Apathetic - AZ-2D can see all through-out time, space, and dimension. So all human emotion that Ben had is gone in this form, he remains neutral in most situations and is mostly concerned with getting something done, no matter the cost.