Alien 51
Alien 51 is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Martian from the planet Mars.
Height - 7 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid
Shapeshifting - Alien 51 can morph his body on a cellular level. Completely altering his physical appearance, allowing him to mimic other people, shift his body into a variety of shapes for situations involving stretching, sticking, dodging, and squeezing.
Enhanced Strength - Alien 51 naturally possesses enhanced strength, enabling him to lift objects heavier than himself and go toe-to-toe with larger opponents.
Intangibility - Alien 51 can shift his density to achieve intangibility, allowing people and energy to pass through and even walk through solid objects.
Telepathy - Alien 51 is able to read other people's thoughts in real time, erasing and altering their memories, and slightly persuade them to his will.
Flight - He can also use his decreased density to achieve flight, flying at the speed of a normal airplane.
Fire - Due to his martian physiology, his skin can be burned easily by fire and even spontaneously combust. He will continuously burn until he is extinguished.